128 | IE | 1968 | 14 |
| Konferencie | |
| IFAC – Symposium über Mehrgößen – Regelsysteme on multivariable control systems, 7.X.–8.X.1968, Düsseldorf, Nemecko. | |
129 | IE | 1969 | 14 |
| Konferencie | |
| IV. kongres IFAC – Resumés des rapports, 16.VI.–21.VI.1969, Varšava, Poľsko. | |
130 | IE | 1970 | 14 |
| Konferencie | |
| Compcontrol 70 conference, 6.VII.–11.VII.1970, Miškovec, Maďarsko. | |
131 | IE | 1975 | 14 |
| Konferencie | |
| World organization of general system and cybernetics – Third International Congress on Cybernetics and System, 25.VIII.–29.VIII.1975, Bukurešť, Rumunsko. | |
132 | IE | 1982 | 14 |
| Konferencie | |
| International conference modeling & simulation with exhibition, 1.VII.–3.VII.1982, Vallée de Chevreuse, Francúzsko. | |
133 | IE | 1984 | 14 |
| Konferencie | |
| III. vedecká konferencia Elektrotechnickej fakulty Vysokej školy technickej v Košiciach, /september/, 1984, Slovensko. | |
134 | IE | 1985 | 14 |
| Konferencie | |
| Počítačové prostriedky riadiacich systémov a systémov s umelým intelektom – celoštátna konferencia, 3.XI.–5.IX.1985, Zlatá Idka, Slovensko. | |
135 | IE | 1989 | 14 |
| Konferencie | |
| Počítačové riadenia diskrétnych procesov – celoštátna konferencia so zahraničnou účasťou, 17.X.–19.X.1989, Vysoké Tatry – Tatranská Lomnica, Slovensko. | |
136 | IE | 1990 | 14 |
| Konferencie | |
| 9th European Conference on Artificial Inteligence, 6.VIII.–10.VIII.1990, Štokholm, Švédsko. | |
137 | IE | 1991 | 14 |
| Konferencie | |
| 1. zasadnutie Československého národného komitétu pre automatizáciu, 20.II.1991, Praha, Česká republika. | |
138 | IE | 1991 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| CAPE ´91 – The fourth IFIP Conference on Computer Applications in Production and Engineering, 10.IX.–12.IX.1991, Bordeaux, Francúzsko. | |
139 | IE | 1991 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| CIS ´91 – Conference on Intelligent Systems, 25.IX.–27.IX.1991, Vesprím, Maďarsko. | |
140 | IE | 1991 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| Riadenie diskrétnych systémov – medzinárodná konferencia, 8.X.–10.X.1991, Bratislava, Slovensko. | |
141 | IE | 1991 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| III. Conference on Information, Economy and Policy, 21.X.–24.X.1991, Budapešť, Maďarsko. | |
142 | IE | 1991 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| The 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 11.XII.–13.XII.1991, Brighton, Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska. | |
143 | IE | 1992 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| Symposium on Sensory Systems for Robot Control, 21.X.1992, Londýn, Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska. | |
144 | IE | 1992 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| 14th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 29.X.–1.XI.1992, Paríž, Francúzsko. | |
145 | IE | 1992 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| Distribuované a paralelné počítačové systémy – II. pracovný seminár, 18.XI.–20.XI.1992, Donovaly, Slovensko. | |
146 | IE | 1992 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| IFAC – International Symposium on Control of Power Plants and Power Aystems, 9.III.–11.III.1992, Mníchov, Nemecko. | |
147 | IE | 1992 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| CIM – Europe ´92, 8th Annual Conference, 27.V.–29.V.1992, Birmingham, Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska. | |
148 | IE | 1992 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| International workshop real-time programming, 23.VI.–26.VI.1992, Bruggy, Belgicko. | |
149 | IE | 1992 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering, 19.VIII.–21.VIII.1992, Edinburg, Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska. | |
150 | IE | 1993 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| Second IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 28.III.–1.IV.1993, San Francisco, Spojené štáty americké. | |
151 | IE | 1993 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| Aplikácia počítačom podporovaných metód v technickej praxi – medzinárodná vedecká konferencia, /26.V.1993/, Košice, Slovensko. | |
152 | IE | 1993 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| ISMCR ´93 – Third International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics, 27.IX.1993, Asti, Taliansko. | |
153 | IE | 1992 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| Candidature for the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) Barcelona 1994 or 1996, Španielsko. | |
154 | IE | 1995 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| Informatika ´95 – III. medzinárodná konferencia, 15.XI.– 16.XI.1995, Bratislava, Slovensko. | |
155 | IE | 1995 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| IFIP – 17th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimalization, 10.VII.–14.VII.1995, Praha, Česká republika. | |
156 | IE | 1995 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| 11th ISPE/IEE/IFAC International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future Cars & FOF ´95, 28.VIII.–30.VIII.1995, Pereira, Kolumbia. | |
157 | IE | 1997 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| MCPL ´97 – Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics, 31.VIII.–3.IX.1997, Campinas, Brazília. | |
158 | IE | 1997 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| AIICSR ´97 – Seventh International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Information-Control Systems of Robots and Workshop on Applied Semiotics, 10.IX.–15.IX.1997, Smolenice, Slovensko. | |
159 | IE | 1997 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| The European Conference on Integration in Manufacturing, 24.IX.–26.IX.1997, Drážďany, Nemecko. | |
160 | IE | 1997 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| Euromed Workshop on Piloting Information Technologies Solutions for Industries and Services, 10.X.–12.X.1997, La Toja, Španielsko. | |
161 | IE | 1998 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| IFAC – World Congress 1999, 27.VI.1998, Turín, Taliansko. | |
162 | IE | 1999 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| IEPM ´99, 11.VII.–15.VII.1999, Edinburg, Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska. | |
163 | IE | 1999 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| INES ´99 – III. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, 1.XI.–3.XI.1999, Smolenice, Slovensko. | |
164 | IE | 1999 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| Informatika a algoritmy ´99 – III. medzinárodná konferencia, 9.IX.–10.IX.1999, Košice, Slovensko. | |
165 | IE | 2001 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| The 14th International Conference Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, 4.VI.–7.VI.2001, Budapešť, Maďarsko. | |
166 | IE | 2002 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| Information and Global Society, 27.III.–28.III.2002, Bratislava, Slovensko. | |
167 | IE | 2002 | 15 |
| Konferencie | |
| The 15th International Conference Industrial & Engineering Application of Intelligence & Expert Systems, 17.VI.–20.VI.2002, Cairns, Austrália. | |
168 | IE | 2003 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| IFIP – International Federation for Information Processing, 23.VII.2003, Sophia Antipolis, Francúzsko. | |
169 | IE | 2003 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| ICCC 2003 – IEEE International Conference on Computional Cybernetics, 29.VIII.–31.VIII.2003, Siofók, Maďarsko. | |
170 | IE | 2003 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| International Federation of Automatic Control, 2nd IFAC Conference Control Systems Design (CSD ´03), 7.IX.–10.IX.2003, Bratislava, Slovensko. | |
171 | IE | 2003 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| International Conference in Memoriam John von Neumann, 12.XII.2003, Budapešť, Maďarsko. | |
172 | IE | 2005 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| Kybernetika a informatika – medzinárodná konferencia, 19.I.–21.I.2005, Dolný Kubín, Slovensko. | |
173 | IE | 2005 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| 8th International Symposium Mechatronika 2005, 19.V.–21.V.2005, Trenčianske Teplice, Slovensko. | |
174 | IE | 2005 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| 6th International Symposium of Hungarian Researches on Computional Intelligence, 18.XI.–19.XI.2005, Budapešť, Maďarsko. | |
175 | IE | 2005 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| 6th International Conference – Virtual University VU ´05, 15.XII.–16.XII.2005, Bratislava, Slovensko. | |
176 | IE | 2006 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| 4th Slovakian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence, 20.I.–21.I.2006, Herľany, Slovensko. | |
177 | IE | 2007 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| MCPL 2007 – 4th IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistic, 27.IX.–30.IX.2007, Sibiu, Rumunsko. | |
178 | IE | 2007 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| Aktuálne otázky geotechniky – vedecká konferencia, 4.X.2007, Košice, Slovensko. | |
179 | IE | 2008 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| SAMI 2008 – 6th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence, 21.I.–22.I.2008, Herľany, Slovensko. | |
180 | IE | 2008 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| 17th IFAC World Congress, 6.VII.–11.VII. 2008, Soul, Južná Kórea. | |
181 | IE | 2008 | 16 |
| Konferencie | |
| SISY 2008 – 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, 26.IX.–27.IX.2008, Subotica, Srbsko. | |