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| Braunitzer, G.: Phosphat-Hämoglobin-Wechselwirkung: Zur Atmung des Adulten Menschen, des menschlichen Foetus, des Lamas und des Kamels. | |
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| Camardella, L. a kol.: Studies on plant inhibitors of pectin modifying enzymes:polygalacturonase – inhibiting protein (PGIP) and pectin methylesterase inhibitor (PMEI). | |
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| Stegemann, H. – Griffin, H. F.: Ein hochempfindliches, spezifisches Sprühreagenz zum Nachweis von Oxyprolin. | |
224 | VII | 1968 | 15 |
| Stegemann, H.: Protein and Enzyme Patterns in Plants, influenced by the Genetic Backround of the Variety and the Possible Role of Virus Diseases. | |
225 | VII | 1974 | 15 |
| Roeb, L.: Eine neue Technik zur in-situ-Bestimmung von Enzymen in Pilzkulturen, dargestellt an Polygalakturonasen. | |
226 | VII | 1981 | 15 |
| de Wreee, I. – Stegemann, H.: Determination of Proteins in the Presence of Large Quantities of Sodium-Dodecyl-Sulphate and Mercapto-ethanol by a Modified Biuret-Method. | |
227 | VII | 1992 | 15 |
| H. Stegemann a kol.: Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.): genotype identification by electrophoretic methods and properties of their proteins. | |
228 | VII | 2003 | 15 |
| Valková, D. – Turňa, J.: Postup hodnotenia rizika z použitia geneticky modifikovaných organizmov. | |
229 | VII | 1998 | 15 |
| G. Williamson – P. A. Kroon – C. B. Faulds: Hairy plant polysaccharides: a close shave with microbial esterases. | |